The New GM Feedback Form
This form is to help the Onboarding Team collect feedback from players about a session run by a new GM. We do this to ensure that all games in our community are safe and welcoming, and follow our guidelines.

You can choose to fill out your name at the end of the form, or remain entirely anonymous if you wish. If you fill out your name, it will only be seen by the Onboarding team/Admin and not by the GM in question.

Thanks for taking the time to fill it out!
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Which GM are you giving feedback on, and for which game? *
Which date was the game?
Where did the game take place? (LRC Discord server, public venue, separate discord server, other platforms) *
Did the GM allow for an introduction round (player names and pronouns) before the game? *
Did the GM offer any safety tools at the beginning of the game and instruct the players how to use them? *
If yes, which safety tools were used?
Did the GM inform players on how to get in touch with LRC moderators? *
Did you feel safe, welcome and included during the game? *
If you felt unsafe, unwelcome or uncomfortable at any point during the game, please give any further details about the situation(s) that you feel comfortable sharing.
Is there any constructive criticism or feedback you'd like to give to the GM in question?
Would you want to play in another game with the GM in question? *
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
Your name and discord tag (optional):
Thank you for your feedback!
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